First Due House Fire, Franklin Manor Road

- in Recent Calls

Saturday, January 28th 0600 hrs, Engine 422 was alerted for a dwelling fire in the 42-24 Box on Franklin Manor Road. Engine 422 arrived on scene and reported heavy fire showing from the rear. Engine 422’s crew made an aggressive attack on the fire from both interior and exterior of the structure. Due to the first due Truck Company being PG Truck 20; Calvert Engine 52 assumed the truck company responsibility. Overhaul was conducted by Calvert Engine, Calvert Tower 1, Calvert Engine 52 and PG Truck 20. Units cleared at 0900 hrs.

Vol. Crew:

E422 – FF P. Loiacono & FF E. Lumpkin

PVR – Asst. Chief C. Nutwell

Other Responding Units: E411, E91, Calvert E12, Calvert E52, PG TK20, Calvert TW1, SQ1 & PM9

Pictures Courtesy of Dunkirk VFDfranklinmanor_housef_1 franklinmanor_housef_2 franklinmanor_housef_3

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