Recent Narcan Awareness Class Held at Deale

- in Recent Calls

On May 5, 2016, through a partner ship with the Anne Arundel County Health Department and the Deale Volunteer Fire Department, we hosted a Narcan awareness and certification class.  This class was opened to the community and the first Narcan class for South County that  focused on awareness and the use of Narcan in the event of an opioid overdose situation. This class certified all the participants to carry and administer Narcan which was distributed at the end of the class along with valuable literature. The class opened dialogue with the community on the heroin plaguing our communities and how best the community can assist in this epidemic through the education and use of Narcan to reverse an overdose. Because this class received such positive reviews, we are looking into additional classes for South County.


class3class2classRobin and Instructorsamantha

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