2-Alarm Dwelling Fire in Galesville

- in Recent Calls

On Friday, 2/18/2011; units from Station 42 were dispatched to the 1-34 box for a dwelling fire.  First due units arrived to find a 2 story dwelling well involved on Bayfields Rd.  Truck 42 was dispatched on the 1st alarm and Engine 421 dispatched on the 2nd alarm.

Truck 42 – 4 – Career Personnel

Engine 421 – R. Lancaster, T. Jones

Units Responded:

1st Alarm : E-12 / ME-2 / E-402 / E-35 / TK-42 / TW-40 / Calvert SQ-5 / TA-1 / TA-3 / E-84 / Calvert TA-5 / ME-94 / FB-41 / PM-2 / BC-3 / C-2 / C-40 / Calvert DC-5

2nd Alarm:  PG TA-839 / TA-5 / PG TK-820 / Calvert TW-1 / E-194 / E-421 / E-31 / E-73 / SQ-23 / BC-2 / FA-3 / EMS-2 / CW-1 / E-61 / E-332 / MU-38 / MU-39 / AW-1 / OPS-7 / U-2housef_galesville_021811

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