Chimney/Dwelling Fire off Little Rd

- in Recent Calls

On Wednesday; 1/20/10 at 1334 hrs Engine 422 was alerted for a chimney fire off of Little Rd in the 42-14 Box. Engine 91 arrived on scene advising smoke showing, the 2nd alarm was requested shortly after for fire in the basement with significant extension into the upper floors. While crews were entering the front door of the structure, the floor collapsed and several firefighters fell from the first floor into the basement below, and the Mayday was issued immediately.  Two of the injured firefighters were transported as a result. Units continued to operate on scene for several hours.  Units were held on scene for extensive overhaul and cleanup.  Units from Anne Arundel, Calvert and Prince Georges counties responded to the call and all were clear by 2110hrs.


E422 –  D-Shift / 4 Career Personnel
E421 –  FF C. Episcopo & FF T. Jones
U42 –  FF J. Crandell & FF E. Lumpkindefault_dvfd_image1

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