Engine, Truck & Medic to Dwelling Fire on Sansbury Rd

- in Recent Calls

On 10/26/06 at 0658 hrs. Engine 421 and Medic 42 were alerted for a dwelling fire in the 42-33 box on Sansbury Road. Truck 42 also was added to the call. Battalion 3 arrived on scene with fire showing from sides A, C & D. E92 arrived on scene and made the inital knock on the fire which was held on the second story. E421 assisted E92 and with overhaul. Tk42 provided venalation, tools & lights. Units from AA, PG & Calvert responded, units cleared the scene within 3 hrs.

Vol. Crew:

E421 – FF P. Loiacono & FF E. Lumpkin

Tk42- Asst. Chief C. Nutwell & FF J. Crandell

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