Truck 42 Transfers North to Station 21

- in Recent Calls

On Saturday, 2-19-2011 stations were toned out for transfer crews.  Truck 42 transferred north with a crew of 3.  On their way to Station 21 they were picked up on a 7-19 dwelling fire.  Tk42 arrived 2nd due truck right behind Tower 26.  Crew from the truck assisted TW-26 with truck ops on-scene.  After cleaning up; the crew continued their transfer north to station 21 where they filled in along with an engine from Susquehanna Hose Co. of Harford County.  Truck 42 also ran a 5-28 medical call during their trip to 21.

Truck 42: Chief C. Nutwell, T. Jones, S. Rohr

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